A person wears many hats and carries many titles. I've changed a few hats over the years and I'm busy changing titles also.
In the last year I went from Mrs. to Ms. I went from my married name to my maiden name again. I've changed the title of my checking accounts, my house bills, even the dog license for Gizmo reflects my new title: Ms. Sara Houser (single again). Today it was the the title on my car that changed from 2 drivers names to just mine. Some titles are great to have back again.
I have some people in my life that I always refer to with a title. I wonder why that is? There's Mr. Johnson, the hardworking dad and provider of an ever growing family who is my same age. And there's Mrs. Zoellner, my son's teacher who I could call Amy but instead refer to her title out of respect. And there's Miss Becki, my BFF at work who all the gals affectionately refer to as Miss even though she's a mom of college aged kids. Funny how titles come and go in style.
There was a time when you would never call your BFF's mom by her first name : Well hello there Corrine, how are you doing today. That would never fly. No, we used the Eddie Haskell approach instead saying, Well hello there Mrs. Cleaver how are you doing today? Yet even though I grew up with that formality, I've always insisted that the neighbor kids call me Sara, or Brady's mom, but never Ms. Houser. That was my mom's name and I don't associate with that. I feel a first name is more approachable.
There are some titles I'll never miss, for example: Mrs. George Clooney, Miss America, or Dr. Houser. That's fine with me. After a few more months tho, I might want to seek out just one more title ------and that's Mr. Right.
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