Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Caution: Deer next 120 yards

We had a "dear" in our yard last night, just the cutest little white fluffy poodle. Funny, you never see poodles in our neighborhood and never one that's lost and running all whackadoo throughout the streets. This dear little Missy was hot, dirty, and Frisky with a capital F.She made a bee line for Gizmo and would not let him alone until she had her way with him. And then she did it again and again. I had Giz on a lease so I could have pulled him away but I thought, heck - it's his birthday week, why not get a little? So I turned my back and let the hook up happen right there in the yard.

There was no morning after awkwardness, no promises to call next Saturday, it was just a quick wham bam thank you ma'am, and she was trotting away with a big smile on her face. Gizmo looked a little dazed and he wobbled for a second but then he caught his manly stride and walked away on all fours humming a little Rod Stewart - Do you think I'm sexy, and you want my body....

Sex in our world is so much more complicated. There are rules that get broken when you have quick hookups. Big deep spiritual ones, mildly frowned upon cultural rules, and agonizing heart break when some one gets hurt from the hook up. Not all romps are as casual as Samantha Jones had it in Sex and The City.

Ah, but in a dog's world that's all you get are quick hook ups. There's no courtship and marriage and a white picket fence to look forward to. There's no golden rule to follow as you honor your spiritual relationship with your Maker. It's all fun, sun, and a little something something on the side. That dear little one ran away from us last night despite our best efforts to lure her in so we could read her tags and send her home. She kept on trotting across the yards and busy streets determined to find her way in this new world without a lease. I feel a little bit like my leash is off and I'm finding my way in the world again.

Maybe I'll see our dear little Miss again and when I do I'll remind her that being free is The Shawshank Redemption but she doesn't have to jump every dog in celebration. God will send the right Dalmatian or Great Dane when the timing is right, you just gotta put yourself out there in the yard and wait for it.......

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