Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mall of America - Next Right

I took an interesting trip at the Mall of America recently. Literally. I tripped on a rug and fell face first on the floor. I don't often fall, in fact, I'm super cautious and very aware of my surroundings since I'm often walking the dog in the dark and in all kinds of weather. But still I ended up on the Mall floor with a Technicolor black eye.

It got me thinking about how often we duck when trouble is headed our way. When you're falling and the floor is coming fast - there's no time to duck. I'm one who likes to duck. I'd rather take cover and avoid pain thank you. Controversy? No sirree, you can have it. But somehow trouble always seems to find me. Just when I think I've got time to stop, drop, and roll -- I trip and get a faceplant instead.

Who wants trouble? Each day has it's own worries so I don't want to borrow trouble. We're all going to trip, right? We're all going to fall or fail or screw up. But what's more important ----where you fall or how you get up?

I'd like to think that when 4 pairs of eyes are hovering above you asking to help that how you get up is key. Thinking too much about losing face isn't going to bring you back on your feet. You need to catch the view from the floor and determine you want to be upright at all costs. If a few strangers can help you back on your feet than don't be proud - take the help and determine to pay it forward.

I was distracted when I tripped, I'll admit. Those guys that wear the skinny girl jeans? How do they do that? I said to myself, as I followed the guy wearing the skinny girl jeans into the Mall. So take my advice don't duck and avoid every mishap just determine to get back up in a better place.

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