Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mapquest My Heart

The road less travelled made all the who? To somebody that drove a boring car, at boring speeds, with boring music - that's who. When I'm looking for direction on the road I can use a GPS, I can Mapquest it, or do the old AAA thing. All roads lead to the same destination but sometimes the getting there is messy.

The same with love. We all want it, we all seek it, it's the getting there that gets messy.

This was a big week for lovers. Lots of hype and expectation hovering on Valentine's Day. I've had the roses and chocolates and long kisses on V-Day. I've had years where the single flower came from Super America along with gas, gum, and a car wash. And finally, I had a few years where we pretended it didn't matter because were so solid (yeah, right).

Having my first Valentine's Day with a new guy in the picture set my heart aflutter. Would he be simple and tender, would he be funny and cute, or would he go over the top with romance? So many options for one special day. But alas, my non-romantic and hard working Boy Scout spent the day rescuing his family and friends from peril and destruction while I sat alone with a feeble text wishing me a happy day. Don't cry for me Argentina, ha, I'm a big girl. It was disappointing but life goes on.

According to E-Harmony, a girl should date 2-3 guys at once so as to NOT fall for the wrong guy. Oh, so the way to avoid a broken heart is to give it away to 3 guys at once? Seemed kind of risky but I am a player so I'll try anything once. I told Mr. No Romance that I was busy last night and went out with Guy #2 and then came home and found that online Guy #3 I've been toying with and invited him for coffee next week. Maybe this mashup of men, personalities, and attention will shake out in a better direction.

All I know for sure is that when I want cuddles and giggles all I have to say is SLEEP OUT and my son comes running. Our combo couch/bed is a new fascination for this younger generation. So as we snuggled in our PJ's and blankets on the pullout bed I smiled contentedly and felt so happy. Sharing a box of Thin Mints and watching Disney Channel made me think.....I'm glad the road to my son's heart is so easy.

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